LPC Stories

LPC holds pre-plans for school year-end events

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LPC holds pre-plans for school year-end events

Date Posted: Mar. 14, 2025

The president met Ms. Jaide Llanda and Ms. Jesica Marata, both over-all in-charge of the LPC's 28th Foundation Anniversary and 26th Commencement Exercises, respectively, which serve as the culminating school year-end events, March 14.

The two event chairs set initial plans, schedules and activities intended for the said big events which are successively scheduled in latter May and early June with just a week interval.

To note, both programs entail multi-activities as considered biggest and most significant events of the school year.
As such, due to the need to adjust the school calendar to get at par with DepEd's transition to its new school opening schedule, so as with other universities, both events' schedules need to be adjusted at earlier dates.

As such, considering its immediacy, plans and preparation have to be prioritized and set accordingly in advance.
However, despite the anticipated adjustment, it would still be ensured the quality programs and ceremonies to be made meaningful, significant and impactful as usual that has become a tradition and culture trademark at LPC.

The initial plans will be presented to the Academic Council for the finalization, amendment and budget endorsement before a meeting is called with the team of event chairs/in charge the soonest.
