Cocogen bids for LPC Employees and Student Accident Insurance

Posted Oct-25-2024

The Cocogen Insurance submitted proposal on student accident insurance at LPC subject to bidding process. Representatives visited LPC to present the details and working papers as requirements for bidding. Present in the meeting from LPC's end were the president, academic department heads and the Finance and Inventory officer. Cocogen's profile denotes being consistently among country's top ten general insurance companies, an industry with over 50 players established in 1963. Hence, the LPC Management tried its best effort to work on making every student freely insured at all times as long as they are enrolled. This becomes part of the Unifast grant provided by CHED arranged and requested by LPC. Therefore, starting S.Y. 2024-2025, all students enrolled may claim accident and illness insurance benefits once it has been fully processed. Likewise, Pres. Dr. Elmer B. De Leon pushed the idea to include employees in same free insurance benefits. This move would guarantee everyone to be protected and insured both while inside and outside school premises every year. To date, three insurance companies had submitted their respective proposals and paper requirements for bidding process. Results will be released and announced soon once it has been finalized. #SDG3goodhealthandwellbeing #SDG10ReducedInequalities

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