SSC proclaims new Officers in PASAMASID

Posted Aug-30-2024

After reviewing and approving the election returns and turn out by the Council of Nomination and Election (CONELEC) presided by Mr. Jester Guillermo, the winning candidates were officially proclaimed in the traditional PASAMASID Ceremony on August 30, 2024 immediately right after the election closure. Significantly, the PASAMASID is a tradition at LPC that depicts thr turn-over of LPC flag (Pasa) to the succeeding SSC president from the incumbent witnessed by the admin, faculty, staff and students (Masid) who usually get out of the classrooms and offices to pave way to the next student leadership. The LPC flag is then, brought up and waved by the proclaimed president upon climbing the ladder (that denotes aspiration, inspiration and perspiration to pursue), while Dangal LPC Hymn is played. Thus, the PASAMASID signals that a new SSC president has been proclaimed.

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