LPC reviews official website as gateway to internationalization

Posted Oct-26-2023

A Task Force Committee was formed to do the review and assessment of the LPC website as gateway to internationalization, leveraging it with standards toward enhancement and upgrading need. Feedbacks and comments were made while pushing some suggestions for action. Mr. Jester M. Guillermo, MIS officer and controller of LPC website, informed the committee that he is fine tuning the said website, making it more relevant, interactive and responsive to the call of time. In fact, he is diverting to a new module that is undergoing pilot testing. He also urged to relink the content of the website to the different official facebook accounts of the school or vice versa, noting that it is prevalently becoming more accessible and powerful social media platform. Thus, Dr. Elmer B. de Leon, president, reiterated to everyone the need to activate the website by coming up with some strategies in uploading worthwhile and significant, while taking some restrictions through screening of the information. He also insisted the school’s data analytics to be included so that the community and government agencies may know what is happening at LPC and its many accomplishments and achievements, while considering data privacy inclinations. Believing that this is a prime venue for institutional rebranding and marketing purposes toward internationalization prospect, everyone vouched for sustaining an upgraded and regularly updated official website like other universities and colleges.

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