CHEDRO3 invites LPC in Internationalization Stint

Posted Oct-19-2023

LPC grabbed the chance of being included in the limited few HEIs (20) in Region 3 to the Executive Session extended to presidents, VPAAs and Internationalization focal persons in selected institutions by invitation on October 19-20, 2023 at Hotel Seoul, Clark, Pampanga. To note, free registration and accommodation were provided to participants from 16 select institutions. Thank you CHEDRO3, esp. RD OIC Lora Yusi for considering and including LPC in most CHED programs, projects, capacity building initiatives and professional engagements. This was an apt venue for networking and collaboration with other HEIs as pathway to internationalization prospects, especially during Socialization Night. More so, this was the 2nd leg of related event in series that started in 2022, which was also participated in by LPC as one of the limited few attendees by invitation. More power CHEDRO3 and God bless always.

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