LPC kicks-off Mental Health Month celeb

Posted Oct-12-2023

LPC celebrated Mental Health Month through various initial programs and activities. On October 12, 2023, the School Clinic, thru Ms. Rodalie Dineros, head and Ms. Dyna Banuelos, staff came up with a seminar on mental health dubbed as “Make Mental Health and Well-being for All a Global Priority”, in coordination with the Rural Health Unit (RHU) held at the audio-visual room, which was participated in by students across departments and year levels. In capsule, Ms. Annalyn M. Cabalagnan from Mariveles Mental Wellness and General Hospital walked through with the participants with her session on “Understanding Anxiety and Ways on Managing Stress” that entailed various behavioral management activities that students enjoyed and got inspired with, while deriving lessons and techniques in coping with their struggles that bring them so much stress. Dr. Sugar Enriquez, RHU head inspired the student-participants on taking positivity in everything they do and perceive. At the end, they can be able to conquer the stress through strong mental health.

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