GTC caps Mental Health as a universal right during confab

Posted Oct-18-2023

The Guidance and Testing Center spearheaded a seminar on "Mental Health is a Universal Human Right" in celebration of the Mental Health Month on October 18, 2023 at the Audiovisual Room with Ms. Visayas Villa, psychometrician and mental health advocate and Ms. Rodalie Dineros, registered nurse and clinic officer as resource persons. The said event was prepared and facilitated by Ms. Fatima Racion Alvarez, guidance personnel and her Team, in coordination with the Office of Student Affairs, Discipline and Services (OSADS). At the end of the seminar, student-participants were enlightened and assisted on coping and managing stress as a main source of mental illness, anxiety and depression. Notably, mental health is given emphasis and enough attention at LPC toward well-balanced mind and body integration free from mental impediments and implications.

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