LPC presents plan, pledges commitment for Internationalization

Posted Oct-20-2023

Ms. Frances Ann S. Genese, RDE Director presented Limay Polytechnic College institutional plans on internationalization and potential programs for WURI entries on the second and last day of the Executive Session Internationalization for Higher Education on October 20, 2023 at the Hotel Seoul, New Clark, Pampanga. It also ended with commitment signing ceremony and pictorial with participants, CHEDRO3 officials headed by RD-OIC Lora Yusi and staff and LUC presidents. At the end, everyone made to realize that internationalization has become a trend, a demand and compliance in higher education and the language of the academe. A challenge that HEIs must work on and strive for toward sustaining quality standards. LPC to WURI in 2025, CHED Challenge accepted.

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