Acad Council ratifies Student Handbook in second reading

Posted Apr-13-2023

Academic Council in Action. A second session was called for the final ratification and amendment proceedings of LPC Student Handbook to take effect in 1st semester, school year 2023-2024 set on April 13, 2023 at the President’s Conference Room.

To note, the said amendment and ratification of handbook already underwent preliminary hearing and consultation session among same consultation body sometime in the previous month facilitated by the Office of Student Affairs, Discipline and Services (OSADS) and manuscripts prepared by the Administrative Officer to the President. Some matters were pointed out for discussion and rebuttals to come up with concrete final decision unanimously agreed upon by the body. Some corrections and inputs were considered and incorporated in the revised version of the handbook while the new normal condition and current external environment were integrated in order to make a holistic perspective and congruent procedures in the academic plans and policies toward stronger, reliable and referential guide and bases of every action and decision of students while inside the campus. Pertinent laws and legal bases were adopted and considered to support most part of the provisions while purposes and objectives were clearly stated for better understanding of everyone. Thus, the new student handbook was made more comprehensive, upholding and relevant.

To note, the said ratified and amended student handbook will be presented to the stakeholders composed of faculty, staff, students, alumni, parents, community partners, etc. in an open consultation session to be scheduled very soon prior to its final approval by the Board of Trustees in a meeting set for this purpose.

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