LPC-RDE stages 2nd Research Cap-B for faculty and staff

Posted Apr-14-2023

A successful and flourishing hybrid research capacity building dubbed as "A Walkthrough on Qualitative Research Explorations" was initiated by the Office of Research, Development and Extension (RDE) and facilitated by Dr. Ferdinand Bulusan, a renowned research expert and author and the Director for Instruction at Batanes State College.

A program was set for the purpose of empowering faculty and staff on processing and structuring qualitative researches considered as today’s new research trend. As such, Dr. Bulusan guided the participants on the right concepts from misconceptions, correct processing against wrong procedures and proper directions versus misdirection and misrepresentation in using the said research design. He also gave exemplars and cited some interesting topics to endeavor using the said approach. Noting that qualitative research is a very broad and comprehensive research topic along different types and forms, Dr. Bulusan looked forward to having the continuum segment to fulfill the entire needed competencies. Hence, LPC through the RDE is planning to have the next segment very soon.

To note, this activity served as a preliminary kick-off to the launching of the ten (10) institutional commissioned and collaborative researches in qualitative forms.

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