Cong. Go convenes LCU presidents for EDCOM 2

Posted Apr-19-2023

Hon. Congressman Mark Go, Chair of Committee on Higher and Technical Education graced the Association of Local Colleges and Universities’ (ALCU) through the abled leadership of President Dr. Rene Colocar and Association of Local Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (ALCUCOA) request to meet the LCU presidents in the whole country and hear their concerns and the issues confronting their institutional statuses and governance in a Town Hall Meeting on April 19, 2023 at the Quezon City University, Novaliches, Quezon City.

As such, Hon. Go noted all those concerns expressed by the presidents and promised to attend to them upon analysis. He also requested for available data from the LCUs to support and back-up appropriate and relevant resolve and initiatives.

Notably, the purpose of the said gathering was to leverage the educational system in the country across types, entities and settings by ensuring quality education abreast with standards. He pointed out the current findings in related studies regarding the status of education in the country, the very reason why they conceived the Education Commission 2 as a fact finding committee to oversee the conditions of institutions, government services in the education sector, the delivery of instruction, the school operation and the learning outcomes. Hence, the Commission will thresh out the alarming concerns that may impede the whim of EDCOM’s aspiration for every Filipino youth.

Accordingly, they have set the scheduled meetings of EDCOM 2 and gratefully, they involved the LCUs by providing a seat in the Commission represented by ALCU president, noting their contribution in providing equitable, accessible, free, quality and relevant education among the generations from the grass roots and far-flung communities in the country who cannot afford the price of education that the counterpart institutions offer.

Similar townhall meetings were set for Centers of Excellence teacher education institutions, state universities and colleges (SUC), private higher education institutions thru the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), the DedpEd and technical schools, respectively.

Limay Polytechnic College was among the few invited institutions to this assembly due to limited slots that can be accommodated.

Hail LCUs in the Philippines as one; keep going LCU presidents amidst leadership challenges and circumstances pressed by the new normal demands and trends in this VUCA world.

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