Dr. De Leon inspires MIMAROPA preservice teachers

Posted May-06-2023

Dr. Elmer B. de Leon, president of Limay Polytechnic College and concurrently, vice president of the Philippine Association of Teachers and Educators (PAFTE) delivered an inspirational message in the PAFTE-MIMAROPA Student-Teachers' Congress on May 06, 2023 themed: "Future-Proofing Teacher Education in the Post-Pandemic Era"; thereby, leaving the challenges in entrusting the legacy of quality education to the teachers of the next generation who are fundamentally equipped and prepared for their future career in teaching.

“Truly, we count on you so much and we expect that you will carry with you this legacy that we have started and now is being passed to you which you will also transcend to your learners in the field. And this may gonna happen if you let yourselves get prepared”, remarked Dr. De Leon.

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