LPC studes oriented on RA 11315 as per CMO No. 3 s. 2023

Posted Mar-17-2023

The Office of Student Affairs, Discipline and Services (OSADS) and Institutional Gender and Development (IGAD) Unit conducted an orientation on Safe Spaces Act among LPC student-leaders. Ms. Krisgie Punongbayan, Ms.Jesica Arizobal and Ms.Fatima Alvarez facilitated the said forum on March 16, 2023 at the audiovisual room, which was a replication of similar orientation done by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) that was attended in by the said facilitators from LPC. It was then, planned to cascade similar forum to the rest student - groups by schedule. The event was part of LPC's National Women's Month celebration that aimed to orient students on the Implementation of Safe Spaces Act and the reiteration of respect and protection regardless of gender and multicultural differences all the time. This was also a response to the CHED’s mandate to orient students on this RA 11315 pursuant to CMO No. 3 s. 2023. As a turn-out, students were clarified on matters appertaining to the implementation of the said law.

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