Jury evaluates Gawad-Parangal nominees

Posted Mar-15-2023

The members of the Jury, composed of Ms. Melanie Molina (for Hon. Sarah David) representing Sangguniang Bayan; Ms. Evelyn Matias, head of the Municipal Interior and Local Government; Ms. Aira Bout (for Ms. Liza Nava), municipal human resource development representative, Ms. Remedios P. Mendoza, LPC Board of Trustees and Ms. Frances Faye Fernando, head of Municipal Social Welfare and Development, evaluated the documents of the nominees for the selection of prospective awardees. This is part of the screening process for the selection of the sectoral awardees by the said reputable pool of evaluators not only with their possessed individual capacity and integrity, but also with their long time residency in Limay that would earnestly make them determine the legitimate Limayans among the candidates as a prime requirement and qualification for the said prestigious award. The Screening Committee composed of Ms. Krisgie Punongbayan, Ms. Fatima Alvarez and Ms. Jesica Arizobal assisted the jury in the tabulating, computing and consolidating the records and documents for safekeeping and reporting purposes.

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