Faculty & Staff present research proposals during ReCaB 2022

Posted Mar-20-2022

Faculty & Staff present research proposals during ReCaB 2022 A total of seven (7) research proposals were crafted by faculty and staff of Limay Polytechnic College clustered into seven teams with 3 from faculty members and 4 form non-teaching staff. These have the output in the conducted 1st LPC Research Capacity Building on March 18, 2022. Research miracle for having crafted a total of 10 research prospects and proposals in one day.1 research need and engagement survey + 2 commissioned researches + 7 collaborative research proposals in one ReCaB program. Truly amazing as the target goal has been realized by obtaining 100% full time faculty and staff engagement and productivity and 10 research proposals. Next stop, action research proposals among part time faculty by discipline after the CAR training.

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