LPC Stories

LPC reviews student attrition data

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LPC reviews student attrition data

Date Posted: Jan. 09, 2025

The Academic Heads convened to present data on attrition for second semester for analysis and interpretation. Upon laying down the data, it was realized that common causes of attrition included: (1) double enrollment without authorized withdrawal (to SUC); (2) non-Bataan residents (tend to go back to their places); (3) financial constraints (to augment their personal needs); (4) family issues (they need to work); and (5) health conditions (home rest). As such interventions were set: (1) coordination for validation of enrollment with other HEIs; (2) admission policy review and reformulation; (3) outsourcing more scholarships and active response of coordinator in processing; (4) review of academic policy for special population and installation of smart classroom for effective hybrid learning; and (5) integration meeting with principals of senior high schools. As these may implicate school operation, budget utilization and policy implementation, the Academic Team came up with strategic plan to address them as scheduled. These will also serve as input mechanism for the planning and preparation for the S.Y. 2025-2026. Hence, another consultation meeting is set the following week.